This is an election year, so people are showing a lot of interest in politics right now. We thought it would be cool to create a VBA macro that makes an otherwise frustrating and stressful election season a little more fun.
This macro will ask for your birthday and then tell you if you share the same birthday as a United States president.
Here is a screenshot of the macro asking for your birthday:

And here is the output:
Sub CheckPresidentialBirthday()
‘ List of U.S. presidents’ birthdays (MMDD format)
Dim presidentsBirthdays As Collection
Set presidentsBirthdays = New Collection‘ Adding all presidents’ birthdays
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0222”, “George Washington” ‘ George Washington
presidentsBirthdays.Add “1030”, “John Adams” ‘ John Adams
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0413”, “Thomas Jefferson” ‘ Thomas Jefferson
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0711”, “James Madison” ‘ James Madison
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0428”, “James Monroe” ‘ James Monroe
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0711”, “John Quincy Adams” ‘ John Quincy Adams
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0315”, “Andrew Jackson” ‘ Andrew Jackson
presidentsBirthdays.Add “1205”, “Martin Van Buren” ‘ Martin Van Buren
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0318”, “Grover Cleveland” ‘ Grover Cleveland
presidentsBirthdays.Add “1004”, “Rutherford B. Hayes” ‘ Rutherford B. Hayes
presidentsBirthdays.Add “1102”, “James K. Polk” ‘ James K. Polk
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0810”, “Herbert Hoover” ‘ Herbert Hoover
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0820”, “Benjamin Harrison” ‘ Benjamin Harrison
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0304”, “William McKinley” ‘ William McKinley
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0915”, “William Howard Taft” ‘ William Howard Taft
presidentsBirthdays.Add “1027”, “Theodore Roosevelt” ‘ Theodore Roosevelt
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0808”, “Richard Nixon” ‘ Richard Nixon
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0714”, “Gerald Ford” ‘ Gerald Ford
presidentsBirthdays.Add “1001”, “Jimmy Carter” ‘ Jimmy Carter
presidentsBirthdays.Add “0614”, “Donald Trump” ‘ Donald Trump
presidentsBirthdays.Add “1120”, “Joe Biden” ‘ Joe Biden‘ Prompt user for their birthday
Dim userBirthday As String
userBirthday = InputBox(“Please enter your birthday (MM/DD/YYYY):”, “Enter Birthday”)‘ Ensure valid date input
On Error Resume Next
Dim userDate As Date
userDate = DateValue(userBirthday)
On Error GoTo 0If userDate = 0 Then
MsgBox “Invalid date format. Please enter the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.”, vbExclamation, “Invalid Date”
Exit Sub
End If‘ Extract MMDD part from the input
Dim monthDay As String
monthDay = Format(userDate, “MMDD”)‘ Check if the entered MMDD matches any president’s birthday
Dim presidentName As String
Dim matchFound As Boolean
matchFound = FalseOn Error Resume Next
presidentName = presidentsBirthdays(monthDay)
On Error GoTo 0If presidentName <> “” Then
matchFound = True
End If‘ Display result to the user
If matchFound Then
MsgBox “You share your birthday with President ” & presidentName & “!”, vbInformation, “Birthday Match”
MsgBox “You do not share your birthday with any U.S. president in the list.”, vbInformation, “No Match”
End If
End Sub
We hope you enjoy using this macro!